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No Legal Advice

The information on this website is provided for your personal or educational use only. It is not legal advice. If you have a legal problem, you should consult a lawyer or a legal service agency.

No Warranty

Your use of the information on this website is your responsibility. Although we strive to maintain the currency and accuracy of the information on this site, it is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind. Neither the Government of Alberta nor the Alberta Labour Relations Board will be responsible for any loss arising from reliance on this information.

Neither the Government of Alberta nor the Alberta Labour Relations Board will be responsible for any loss arising from computer viruses or other harmful components on this website.

No endorsement

We provide links to other sites from this web site for your convenience. We do not endorse these sites. We are not responsible for the information they provide or for the use you make of it. Some sites charge a fee for use. If you use these sites, you will be responsible for any fees charged.


This website includes basic information about the Alberta Labour Relations Board and its work. This information is provided as a public service. Although we try to ensure that the information is as current and accurate as possible, errors do occasionally occur.

It is important to remember the statutes the Board deals with affect the rights of employers, unions and employees. There are other statutes and regulations that may affect those rights which are not administered by the Board. Other organizations administering employment or labour-related statutes include:

Workers’ Compensation Board

Occupational Health and Safety

Employment Standards Branch

(For information about the difference between the Labour Relations Board and Employment Standard Branch, click here:

Apprenticeship and Industry Training Board
(http://www.tradesecrets.org/ )

The Human Rights Commission
(http://www.albertahumanrights.ab.ca/ )

Canadian Industrial Relations Board

Alberta Supports

Temporary Foreign workers can get assistance through the Alberta government:
See: http://eae.alberta.ca/labour-and-immigration/overview-of-immigration/temporary-foreign-workers.aspx

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Information department.

The Record of Employment (ROE), is a federal government document. 
This is the link for requesting ROEs: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=ins3166


The Board’s Labour Relations Officers would be pleased to answer questions you have relating to the Board’s processes. You can contact our officers in Calgary at (403) 297-5884 or in Edmonton at (780) 422-5926. You can also email officers at alrb.info@gov.ab.ca.

If you require information about what your rights are or how the law applies to your particular situation, you should consider seeking legal advice. Lawyers who specialize in this area may be in the best position to advise you about your rights and how to go about seeking any remedies that may be available. The Law Society of Alberta hosts a Lawyer Directory on their website to assist in finding a lawyer.




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