Education and Training


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Education and Training


There are numerous organizations in Alberta and across Canada that administer courses and seminars in administrative justice:




Foundation of Administrative Justice

The Foundation of Administrative Justice (Foundation) provides the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to tackle appeals, decisions, investigations, hearings, and other matters related to the work of tribunals. We developed a training curriculum to educate members of ABCs (agencies, boards, and commissions), unions, legal firms, professional associations, and other organizations. Through the training of a fair process, we hope to bring ‘justice’ to administrative law.

The Foundation of Administrative Justice provides essential training for the administrative law community and the people who appear before them. The Foundation has instructors from across Canada with experience in various administrative justice systems. The courses are accessible and offered regularly throughout the year to provide opportunities for professional development through Livestream and Elearning. These courses focus on interpreting laws, presenting, and weighing evidence, holding effective hearings, decision making, decision writing, human rights, diversity, inclusion, and equity for tribunals. The Foundations’ training may qualify for continuing professional development (CPD) credits.

Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals

Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals

The Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals (CCAT) is a national organization dedicated to supporting the work of administrative tribunals and promoting excellence in administrative justice.


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University of Calgary
Labour Arbitration and Policy Conference

Labour Arbitration Conference (June 10-11, 2010)

The University of Calgary holds a two-day conference in Calgary, Alberta that focuses on diverse topics in grievance and interest arbitration.  The Conference's umbrella organization continues to the Industrial Relations Research Group, a joint initiative of the Faculties of Management and Law at the University of Calgary.  The IRRG is a non-partisan and non profit organization dedicated to the dissemination of research and other ideas relevant to the conduct of labour-management relations.


CIAJ Image

Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice

The administration of justice affects every member of Canadian society. The operation of our courts and the efficiency of the entire system of criminal and civil justice has an important impact on individuals, families, and economic well-being.

Fostering improvements in the administration of justice throughout Canada, broadening public knowledge and understanding of our system of justice, and preserving the integrity of a strong and independent judiciary are the primary objectives of the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice.

CIAJ, founded in 1974, is a national non-profit corporation with no government affiliation. In order to improve the quality of justice for all Canadians, the Institute continuously examines Canada's justice system, advancing reforms and exploring new directions in administrative justice.

CIAJ's work embraces all aspects of the administration of justice: universal access to justice; quality of legal services; court management and the conduct of trials; the judiciary at all levels; the interface between the law and social institutions; and the role of media
and the public.

CIAJ members come from all regions of Canada, and include judges, members of administrative boards and tribunals, the legal profession, educators, legal drafters, journalists, court personnel, staff of social agencies, and the public. We serve our members in both official languages.



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British Columbia Council of Administrative Tribunals

The B.C. Council of Administrative Tribunals was formed in 1996 to serve the public interest by contributing to the development and improvement of administrative justice in British Columbia in a non-partisan-independent and objective manner.


Alberta Arbitration and Mediation Society
ADR Institute of Alberta

The ADR Institute of Alberta (ADRIA)

ADR Institute of Alberta (ADRIA) is a not-for-profit organization and professional association with over 460 members. ADRIA provides alternative Dispute Resolution information, resources, and expertise for the public in Alberta and offer an online directory of professional and credentialed mediators and arbitrators, ready to serve public in Alberta.


Canadian Center for Management Development
(Now The Canada School of Public Service)

The Learning Centre is the only learning centre in Canada that focuses exclusively on the development and training of Canada's senior federal public servants. It also serves federal public servants who have demonstrated potential to move into these ranks. The Learning Centre's goal is to develop federal executives who have the leadership competencies, diversity of experience and global perspective to assume ever-greater levels of responsibility.

Among The Learning Centre's permanent staff are those who guide the learning architecture and design needed to meet the learning objectives and content identified by the most senior levels of the Public Service.

The Centre supplements its own expertise with that available from other sources. It hires specialists in leadership skill development, and contracts out courses that are readily available elsewhere.

The Learning Centre conducts research on management topics of interest to executives in the public service.

[The Canadian Centre for Management Development (CCMD), Training and Development Canada (TDC) and Language Training Canada (LTC) have been brought together as one organization: The Canada School of Public Service. The School, which opened on April 1, 2004, creates a more unified approach to learning and development in the Public Service of Canada.]

Go to the Canada School of Public Service website


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