Disclosure and FOIP Notice
Individuals filing applications, complaints or references are identified by name at various stages of the Board’s processes including in Board decisions, on the Board’s website, and in print and online reporting services that publish the Board’s decisions. An exception to this general practice may be made, at the discretion of the Board, in cases where sensitive personal information will be disclosed. Individuals wishing to have their names masked may apply to the Board by letter setting out the reasons for the request including what sensitive personal information will be disclosed.
All personal information provided to the Board is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIP”), for the purpose of processing applications or filings under the Labour Relations Code or other Alberta labour legislation. The collection, use and disclosure of this information is managed pursuant to FOIP. Information provided to the Board in the course of applications must in the normal course be provided to all affected parties to the application, so all parties know the case to be heard and have an opportunity to respond. Questions about the collection or use of personal information can be posed to the Board Officer appointed to your file, or the Board’s FOIP Coordinator at 501, 10808 99 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T5K 0G5, or (780) 422-5926.